iWAREHOUSE | Impact Management

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  • Promote Operator Accountability

    Forklift impacts may lead to facility, equipment, product and racking damage that is costly and time-consuming to address and repair. From downtime to take of repairs to replacing damaged product to fulfill orders or restock, the costs add up. iWAREHOUSE forklift impact sensors provide immediate notification of an impact including critical details. With immediate forklift impact detection, managers can receive a real-time notification when an impact occurs.

+ Receive immediate notifications of forklift impacts (including operator, vehicle, time, and other critical information) via text message or email

+ Program a forklift impact alarm to sound or reduce vehicle speed upon impact

+ Two levels of impact notification allows you to quickly address critical issues

+ Utilize data to determine if further forklift operator training is required, or if a change is needed in the warehouse environment

+ Impact reports allow you to easily find vehicles or operators of concern, and address issues requiring attention

Reduce costs from product, facility, equipment and racking damage

Impact Reports via the iWAREHOUSE GATEWAY

Impact reports allow you to easily find vehicles or operators of concern, and address issues requiring attention. Determine whether further training is required or if a change in the warehouse environment must be made.

Contact Us

Interested in learning more about our forklift impact management solutions? Please complete the contact form below and an iWAREHOUSE representative will contact you to discuss your request.

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